Tournament participation rules
<When applying for entry, please fully understand the contents of this agreement>
at the conventionAll participants are kindly requested to read the following rules and regulations before participating.
Please follow the rules and manners to enjoy the tournament.
Please note that we cannot respond to requests outside the regulations.
[Basic Terms]
(1) Athletes shall comply with these rules established by the organizer in order to facilitate the tournament.
(2) The organizer does not take any responsibility for theft, loss, injury, or any other events.
(3) No changes or cancellations will be accepted after entry is complete.
Also, entry fees will not be refunded.
(4) In the case of cancellation due to natural disasters, or in the case of cancellation due to the epidemic of bacteria, viruses, etc.
There are no refunds of entry fees.
(5) The right to post videos, photos, media, SNS, and website during the tournament belongs to the organizer.
[Notes on entry]
(1) Multiple entries for the same event by the same person will result in disqualification.
No refunds will be given after entry.
*You can enter up to 2 categories if the events are different.
(2) Participation by anyone other than the entrant (unauthorized entry/transfer of rights) is not permitted.
(3) It is not possible to check the status of an application or inquire about an application by telephone.
[Entry qualification]
(1) Entry must be made through the official website of the event and entry qualifications must be obtained.
(2) Be at least 18 years old at the time of participating in the competition.
(3) The player and his/her relatives have no relationship with anti-social forces or anti-social forces.
(4) If you are not feeling well, please participate at your own risk.
(5) Those who can smoothly perform the treatment for 30 minutes without stopping as competition time.
[Player dress code]
(1) Please refrain from participating in excessively exposed uniforms.
If the organizer determines that the player's uniform is not suitable for the tournament,
Players may be asked to change clothes.
Players who do not follow the organizer's instructions or who cannot change their clothes will be deducted points or disqualified.
(2) During the course of the competition, the athletes will alternately serve as models.
If it is difficult to change clothes for a special reason, it will cause inconvenience to the progress of the tournament and other competitors.
So, be sure to let us know when you enter.
[Prohibited acts]
(1) Do not follow the rules of the tournament venue and the rules of tournament management.
(2) Failure to comply with instructions and requests from the organizer and judges.
(3) Be late for the event reception time, and do not gather at the designated time and place.
(4) Participating in the competition with false information when entering the competition.
(5) Failing to properly answer questions necessary for the progress of the event from the organizer or judges.
Also, give false answers.
(6) Multiple entries by the same person.
(7) To transfer the entry to the competition to another person.
(8) Withdraw from the tournament without permission after the tournament has started.
(9) Posting on social media that may damage the credibility of the tournament, verbally abusive, harassing or harassing other players.
Performing acts of violence, etc., and other acts that violate various laws and regulations.
(10) Appealing the judge's decision and requesting a re-examination.
(11) Doing words and deeds contrary to public order and morals.
(12) At the venue of the event, conduct speech or conduct for the purpose of profit or solicitation without the permission of the organizer.
(13) Other acts that the organizer deems inappropriate.
[Measures in case of violation]
(1) If it is determined that a player violates these rules, the title will be stripped, prizes will be stripped,
Players accept that measures such as entry invalidation and future bans will be taken.
(2) In the event that a player violates these Terms and causes damage to the event venue, organizers, or related companies,
Players accept that legal measures such as claims for damages will be taken against them.
(1) Athletes shall retain all copyrights, portrait rights, and incidental rights related to the tournament.
You agree that all information belongs to the organizer.
(2) Athletes may use multiple platforms to view the event taken by all event participants (sponsor/participant/visitor/affiliated companies, etc.).
Agree to live distribution, SNS distribution, etc. (including permission to third parties) in the form
shall be
(3) Athletes will be asked to provide portraits, profiles, affiliations, history of treatments, and appearances of athletes and related people during the tournament.
Various media related to the operation of the Games (public relations, advertisements, information media including the Internet, printed materials, video productions, etc.)
products, etc.).
(1) The event may be postponed or suspended in the event of a natural disaster or epidemic of bacteria or viruses.
In that case, the organizer will not be held responsible for any expenses incurred by the athletes in order to participate in the tournament.
(2) If a player is disqualified during the tournament due to violation of these rules, misconduct, or trouble between players,
No organizeris not responsible for
In addition, the organizer will determine whether or not it constitutes a violation of these Terms of Use or misconduct.
(3) Various media (public relations, advertisements, information media including the Internet, printed materials, video works, etc.)
inIf the player suffers damage (not limited to economic loss) as a result of using or distributing,
Please resolve the issue at your own responsibility and expense, and the organizer will not be held responsible.
[Changes to Terms]
(1) The organizer has the right to change these terms without notice.
(2) When we change these Terms, we will post the details of the change on our official website.
Secretariat info@japan-massage-championship.com
*We do not respond by phone.
*Reception hours: Monday-Friday 10:00-17:00
*Inquiries outside reception hours will be processed the following day.
*Inquiries on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays will be made after the holidays.
*Please note that replies will be sent in order of receipt.

Tournament Overview
Tournament name
Japan massage championship
Date and time
June 7th (Wed)-8th (Thu), 2023
National Yoyogi Stadium Second Gymnasium
International Therapy Association
Judging event
Oil Division Body Care Division Facial Division
Thai Traditional Division Freestyle Division
entry fee
22,000 yen (tax included)
time schedule
Tournament time schedule
Examination criteria
6/7Wed - 6/8Thu
Q 複数のカテゴリーにエントリーは可能ですか?同一人物による同一種目の複数回エントリーは失格となります。 また、エントリー費用の返金もできません。 ただし、異なる種目であれば 2 つのカテゴリーまでエントリーは可能となりま す。
Q 代理でエントリーは可能ですか?必ず本人によるエントリーをお願いいたします。 本人以外でのエントリー(不正出場/権利譲渡)は認めません。
Q 何歳からエントリーは可能ですか?大会に出場する時点で、満18歳以上であればエントリーは可能です。
Q 一般人でもエントリーは可能ですか?施術のご経験があればどなたでもエントリー可能です。 競技時間として30分間の施術をスムーズに止まることなく行えるようにお願いいたします。
Q 大会出場時の服装規定はありますか?過度に露出したユニフォームでの出場はお控えください。 詳しくは大会の規約をご確認ください。
Q ホットストーン、ホットキャビンは使用できますか?大変申し訳ございません。本大会では電源の使用ができません。予めご了承ください。
Q 観客として参加可能ですか?はい、可能です。 6月7日のワークショップと6月8日の本大会の参加チケットを事前にお申込みください。
次回の開催はいつですか?次回開催日程は現在未定となります。 下記URLより公式LINEからの情報をお待ちください。 https://lin.ee/XnSycQH
Q 会場内の写真撮影・動画撮影は可能ですか?撮影は全て可能です。
Q 大会エントリーの支払い方法は?エントリーの支払いは「クレジットカード」「デビットカード」のみとなります。 ご利用いただけるクレジットカードブランドは下記となります。 ・VISA ・MasterCard ・アメリカン・エキスプレス・カード(AMEX) ・JCB ・Diners Club ・Discover Card
Q 種目の変更はできますか?エントリー完了後は、種目の変更はできません。
Q エントリー後のキャンセル、返金はできますか?エントリー完了後のキャンセルはできません。 また、エントリー費用の返金もできません。
Q 大会が中止や延期となった場合、エントリー費用の返金はありますか?天災地変による中止や延期、細菌やウイルス等の中止や延期の場合、エントリー 費用の返金はありません。 また、大会参加に要した諸経費に対しても主催者は一切の責任を負いません。
Q 電話での問い合わせは行っていますか?電話での対応は行っておりませんので、お手数ですが下記までご連絡をお願いいたします。 info@japan-massage-championship.com
運営事務局からの案内メールが届きません迷惑メールに振り分けられていないかご確認ください。 また、下記ドメイン受信設定をご確認ください。 info@japan-massage-championship.com
ワークショップと大会を観覧するには入場料が必要でしょうか?入場料はいただきません。 ワークショップ、日本マッサージ選手権共に無料でご観覧いただけます。 ワークショップ観覧料などの追加料金は一切発生いたしませんのでご安心ください。
入場に年齢制限はありますか?年齢による入場制限は設けておりません。 来場規約をご確認いただき、事前にチケットのお申込みをお願いしております。